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How to Hold Weights When You’re Squatting With Anything Other Than a Barbell


How to Hold Weights When You’re Squatting With Anything Other Than a Barbell


Even though your main focus during squats is going to be on your lower body, it’s important to know what to do with your hands, too. After all, you’ll need them to secure the implement you’re using to increase the workload.

You might know exactly what to do when you’re squatting with a barbell in a weight rack—whether you’re doing back squats or the slightly more complicated front squats—but working out with other implements is likely a different story, especially if you’re stuck training at home without access to lots of gear. Trainer Charlee Atkins, C.S.C.S. knows that dumbbells and kettlebells are versatile implements, and understanding the ways you can change your grip on them can give you more opportunities to shake up your workouts.

Here, Atkins breaks down some of the most common methods to hold or grip dumbbells and kettlebells for squats. There are other ways to hold and grip weights, other common implements, and other ways to squat too, like sumo position or split squat, but these options can give you a great starting point.

Dumbbell Front Rack — Hold each weight with a neutral grip (palms facing one another) at shoulder height. This will get harder with heavier bells—but your core will be forced to help support.

Kettlebell Goblet Squat (Horns Up and Horns Down) — Horns down or up is based on preference, just make sure you keep the kettlebell tight to the chest.

Single Kettlebell Racked — You can use the rack position with kettlebells to push your core even harder. Check out this guide for some extra tips, since this is more technical than a dumbbell rack. This can also be tough on the wrist, so if you struggle with wrist pain, stick to a goblet or hang grip.

Dumbbell Goblet — Same as a kettlebell goblet position, just make sure both sides of the dumbbell are touching your chest.

Dumbbell Hang — This is usually for when your dumbbells are too heavy to rack. Make sure that you maintain proper posture and avoid rounding your back.

Try these grips to make your home squat workouts even better. Atkins says her favorite grip is the the kettlebell goblet squat—but the most important thing is to work with the weights your have on hand.

Want to learn more moves from Atkins? Check out our series full of her workout tips, Try Her Move. You can also take on her new 30 day challenge in our streaming All Out Studio app, check out her Le Sweat workout app, and follow her on Instagram to find out when she’s hosting live workouts from her living room.


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