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Showing posts from September, 2020

The 15 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time Prepare to transform your core

  The 15 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time Prepare to transform your core T here is SO much more to your core than having six-pack abs. Want to squat heavy? You need a strong core. Want to improve your balance? You guessed it: strong core. Whatever your goals are, though, getting there means incorporating the best-of-the-best abs exercises into your routine. Technically, your core consists of all of the muscles between your chest and your hips. However, you’ve probably heard the most about your rectus abdominis (a.k.a. your six-pack muscles, which run down the front of your stomach), transverse abdominis (deep abs muscles that wrap around your stomach like a corset), and obliques (a.k.a. side abs, which help you rotate). A solid abs workout incorporates moves that fire up  all  of these major muscles—and particularly exercises that work them all at the SAME time, like deadbugs, hollow holds, and side planks. It makes sense:  If you want to see major results, you have to train your abs f

Blow Up Your Arms With These 17 Triceps Moves

Blow Up Your Arms With These 17 Triceps Moves Building up your triceps isn’t just about creating a set of 3D arms. Yes, your triceps, the three-headed muscle that runs along the back of your upper arm, will make your guns look bigger and badder and beefier than ever. But a strong, powerful set of triceps does more than that.  Strengthen your tris , and you’re equipping your body to push everything from doors to people to barbells away from your body, and you’re prepping your arms to brace in a straight-arm position for everything from planks to handstands. Your triceps’ main job is to straighten your arm at the elbow, an action that opposes your biceps (which flex the arm at the elbow, among other things). And that straightening action is something you use daily, whenever you reach for anything, or whenever you try to get up from the ground. There are plenty of ways to train your tris, too, although finding just the right muscle contraction isn’t always easy. Remember that locking out